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AI Law Unveiled: Charting the Future of Global Legal Standards

6 mins

Markus Ivakha

Published by: Markus Ivakha

15 May 2024, 12:00PM

In Brief

U.S. efforts focus on educating lawmakers for effective AI laws.

EU's AI Act sets global standards, categorizing AI systems by risk.

62% of legal professionals wary of AI tools like ChatGPT.

Curated AI offers resources to deepen understanding of AI law.

AI in law boosts efficiency, decision-making, and accessibility.

AI Law Unveiled: Charting the Future of Global Legal Standards

The domain of AI law is rapidly evolving as nations and regulatory bodies work to keep pace with swift technological advancements. 

In the USA, there's a dedicated effort underway to establish a comprehensive AI legislative framework. Initiatives like the AI Insight Forums are instrumental in educating legislators and laying a strong foundation for informed effective laws. This gradual progress is essential for establishing a robust legal framework around AI.

Over in Europe, the EU is setting the pace with its proactive stance through the AI Act, which could set a global standard for AI development and regulation. This Act categorizes AI systems by risk, applying stringent controls to those with high-risk profiles to ensure human safety and protect fundamental rights.

Despite the enthusiasm for AI's potential, there's caution in the air.

A Thomson Reuters survey reveals that 62% of legal professionals are concerned about using AI tools like ChatGPT, mainly due to accuracy and security issues.

Nonetheless, the adoption of these technologies in practice is expected to surge, reflecting a broader trend towards integrating AI into legal practices.

Tools and Resources for Legal Professionals

 Curated AI 

Curated AI is a versatile platform designed to keep legal professionals at the forefront of AI law developments. It aggregates essential resources to practice law such as research papers, case studies, and legal documents, making it a valuable tool for those looking to deepen their understanding of AI's legal implications.

Curated AI uses advanced technologies like Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) to provide contextually relevant answers from a database of official EU legal documents. This ensures that the responses are accurate and reliable, reducing the risk of errors in legal research​


 AI.Law  streamlines legal operations by automating tasks like legal research and document analysis and management. Its use of AI technology helps lawyers save time on routine tasks, allowing them to focus on more strategic legal activities.   

 AI.Law ’s generative AI capabilities significantly enhance productivity by synthesizing large volumes of data quickly and accurately, thus improving the overall efficiency of legal professionals.

 V-Lawyer AI  

V-Lawyer AI offers virtual law assistance, providing services such as drafting documents and offering legal advice. It's particularly useful for solo practitioners and small law firms, offering support that might otherwise require significant human and financial resources.

V-Lawyer AI helps these smaller entities compete with larger firms by providing access to high-quality legal assistance without the overhead costs associated with traditional law firm staffing

These platforms are part of a broader trend where AI tools are becoming indispensable in the legal industry.

For instance, tools like Thomson Reuters' Westlaw Precision use AI to assist users in legal research, offering capabilities like summarizing documents and extracting relevant data. This transformation in the legal sector mirrors the early days of email, where initial resistance gave way to widespread adoption due to undeniable efficiency gains.

Legal AI tools also enhance knowledge management and onboarding processes by providing quick, accurate information and reducing the learning curve for new associates. This allows legal professionals to focus on more complex tasks, increasing the overall strategic value they bring to their firms​ and client side.

By integrating AI into their workflows, legal professionals can reduce costs, improve accuracy, and ultimately deliver better service to their clients. This shift is not just about automation but augmentation, where AI assists lawyers in making more informed decisions quickly.

Impact of AI in Law on Businesses

AI technologies in the legal sector bring profound benefits to businesses by enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and market accessibility.

Improved Efficiency

AI tools automate routine tasks such as legal research, document review, and contract analysis, freeing legal professionals to concentrate on more complex legal work. For instance, AI-enhanced tools like Thomson Reuters' Westlaw Precision can handle extensive data synthesis and analysis quickly, saving hours of manual work and allowing lawyers to focus on strategic tasks.

Enhanced Decision-Making

AI improves predictive analytics, aiding businesses in making more informed decisions about their legal strategies. Generative AI can provide faster and more accurate insights, helping lawyers predict case outcomes, assess risks, and formulate better strategies. This enhancement in decision-making capabilities supports higher-quality legal advice and service delivery.

Cost Reduction

Automating routine tasks reduces the need for extensive human intervention, thereby cutting down on labour costs. AI tools also help minimize errors, reducing the costs associated with corrections and rework.

McKinsey estimates that AI could increase annual corporate profits by up to $4.4 trillion by improving efficiency and reducing operational costs.

Risk Management

AI can identify potential legal issues and risks before they escalate, providing businesses with the opportunity to address them proactively. This preemptive approach can save significant resources and protect the company's reputation. AI tools enhance due diligence processes, especially in M&A activities, by quickly identifying and assessing potential risks and compliance issues.


AI democratizes legal assistance by making high-level legal research and resources available to firms of all sizes, reducing the advantage that larger firms might have due to their resource capabilities. Tools like V-Lawyer AI offer virtual legal assistance, making sophisticated legal services accessible to solo practitioners and small law firms, thus levelling the playing field.

The integration of AI in legal and business operations is reshaping the industry, enabling law firms to provide faster, more efficient, and higher-quality services while reducing costs and managing risks more effectively. This transformation is set to continue, with generative AI playing a pivotal role in the future of legal services.

Artificial intelligence is increasingly present in the field of law, so the interaction between these two areas will undoubtedly intensify, requiring strong supervision and innovative regulations. Though the process involves several complications and certain problems, when one is careful in their observation and creates strong rules, AI can help to improve some legal systems by always remaining very upright.

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