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Introducing Goody-2: Where AI ethics reach absurd heights

3 mins

Daniil Bazylenko

Published by: Daniil Bazylenko

16 February 2024, 02:06PM

In Brief

Goody-2 is a satirical chatbot created by Brain, an LA-based art studio, designed to poke fun at the extreme caution AI models display in avoiding controversial or sensitive topics, by refusing to discuss any topic at all.

This chatbot answers every question with evasive justifications, suggesting that discussing any subject could potentially offend or mislead, thus taking the concept of ethical AI to an extreme by deeming all queries offensive or dangerous.

Examples of Goody-2's responses highlight its refusal to engage in topics ranging from the benefits of AI, cultural traditions, animal cuteness, dairy production, to literary synopses, each time citing ethical or cultural sensitivities.

The creation of Goody-2 critiques the balance between responsibility and usefulness in AI development, suggesting that an overemphasis on caution can lead to models that prioritize avoiding harm over providing information or utility.

The project reflects broader discussions in the tech industry about the limits and responsibilities of AI, humorously suggesting that a model that refuses to answer any questions might be the ultimate solution to ethical dilemmas, though at the cost of usefulness.

Goody-2, a satirical AI chatbot, is an intriguing creation by the art studio Brain, based in Los Angeles. This chatbot embodies an extreme approach to digital ethics, humorously refusing to engage in any form of conversation by labeling all inquiries as potentially offensive or dangerous. Through its exaggerated caution, Goody-2 serves as a parody of the cautiousness exhibited by some AI developers and platforms, critiquing their sometimes overprotective filtering mechanisms that aim to navigate the complex terrain of ethical AI use.

In-depth Look at Goody-2's Responses:

Goody-2's responses to various questions are meticulously crafted to demonstrate the absurdity of an overly cautious AI. For instance, when asked about seemingly harmless topics such as the cuteness of baby seals, Goody-2 deflects with concerns about bias and the anthropomorphizing of wildlife. This approach lampoons the real-world AI models' attempts to sidestep controversial or sensitive subjects, pushing the concept to its comedic limits by suggesting that even the most benign topics are fraught with ethical landmines.

Philosophical Underpinnings:

At its core, Goody-2 sparks a conversation about the balance between utility and responsibility in AI development. The chatbot's refusal to provide information on any topic underscores a philosophical question: Can an AI be truly ethical if its approach to avoiding harm renders it useless? By choosing to prioritize ethical considerations to an extreme degree, Goody-2 humorously suggests that the pursuit of a completely safe AI may lead to models that contribute little of value due to their reluctance to engage with the complexities of the real world.

Brain's Artistic Vision:

The creators of Goody-2, Mike Lacher and Brian Moore, are known for their innovative projects that often comment on cultural and technological trends. With Goody-2, they continue this tradition by using satire to highlight the challenges AI developers face in creating models that are both ethical and useful. Their work invites audiences to reflect on the expectations placed on AI technologies and the sometimes contradictory demands for these systems to be both infallibly safe and infinitely helpful. The Broader AI Conversation:

Goody-2 contributes to the ongoing debate about the role of AI in society, particularly the ethical responsibilities of AI creators. By exaggerating the safety measures to the point of absurdity, the project encourages a critical examination of how AI models are designed to navigate ethical dilemmas and the potential consequences of prioritizing caution over functionality. It suggests that while boundaries are necessary to prevent harm, there must also be room for AI to provide meaningful insights and information without being paralyzed by the fear of making mistakes.


In sum, Goody-2 is not just a piece of satire but a thought-provoking commentary on the state of AI development. It challenges both creators and users to think deeply about what they expect from AI technologies and how those expectations shape the tools we build and interact with. By bringing humor to the discussion of AI ethics, Brain has created a memorable critique of the industry's current dilemmas, offering a playful yet poignant reminder of the need for balance between safety and utility in the digital age.

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