


Distinguish reality: AI or human? you decide

GPTZero: Ensuring authenticity in education, hiring, and social platforms with AI text detection.
#41 in "Writing
Price: Free


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GPTZero acts like a digital detective, thought up by the brainy Edward Tian from Princeton University. Its mission? To spot the differences between words crafted by humans and those spun by AI, like ChatGPT. GPTZero delves into the unique patterns and structures that AI tends to leave behind in text, waving a flag when something seems more machine-made than human-crafted. It's impressively detailed, able to zoom in on individual sentences to detect the tell-tale signs of AI authorship.

Who finds it super handy? Teachers, for one, who can catch when a student's essay leans a tad too much on AI. Employers, too, can dig through applications to ensure the creativity and responses are authentically human. And for those communities online where sharing stories and articles is the norm, GPTZero helps keep the content genuinely original.

Open to everyone, GPTZero offers both free and premium plans to fit various usage levels. However, it's fair to remember that it's not completely error-proof. There might be times it confuses a burst of human inspiration for AI's output or misses spotting an AI-crafted piece.

Use cases

GPTZero has several practical applications:

  1. Education: It helps educators detect whether students have used AI to complete assignments, ensuring academic integrity.
  2. Hiring and Recruitment: Recruiters use it to verify if job applications, like resumes and cover letters, are genuinely written by applicants.
  3. Social Writing Platforms: To maintain the authenticity of content on platforms that value human expression and interaction, GPTZero identifies AI-generated posts or comments.

These use cases showcase GPTZero's versatility in different sectors where distinguishing between human and AI-generated text is crucial.

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GPTZero is a tool designed to differentiate between human-written and AI-generated text.

It analyzes text for linguistic features that indicate whether it's AI or human-generated.

It's useful for educators, recruiters, and social platform managers, among others.

While effective, it's not foolproof and can sometimes misidentify text.

Yes, there's a free plan with limited features.

Pricing & discounts

GPTZero offers various subscription plans:

  1. Essential (School Board Endorsed) - Priced at $10/month, this basic plan includes key AI detection features but not plagiarism scanning. It allows 150,000 words per month and batch file scanning of up to 10 files.
  2. Premium (Most Popular) - At $16/month, this plan is suitable for individuals needing full feature access, including plagiarism scans. It offers 300,000 words per month and additional features like writing feedback.
  3. Professional - Costing $23/month, this advanced plan is ideal for organizations, offering 500,000 words per month and advanced data security features.

Each plan varies in word limit, security, team sharing options, and specialized features.

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The GPTZero team is led by Edward Tian as CEO and Alex Cui as CTO. Edward Tian, based in New York, has been instrumental in guiding the company since January 2023. Alex Cui, located in Toronto, joined the team as CTO in April 2023 and brings experience from previous roles at notable companies. Both leaders contribute significantly to GPTZero's growth and technological advancements.


Edward Tian



Alex Cui



GPTZero secured $3.5 million in funding through a Seed round on May 9, 2023. This funding round was supported by six investors, including Thomas Glocer and Mark Thompson. Leading investors in this round were Neo Capital and Uncork Capital. The investment signifies strong investor confidence in GPTZero's potential and growth prospects.

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