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Legal Review

Legal Review

Streamline Legal Reviews with Precision AI

Automates document review, flags issues, and clarifies user rights for SaaS services
#27 in "Legal
Price: Free


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Legal Review, an  AI for Legal  tool, enhances legal document processing by automating contract reviews. It speeds up negotiations by analyzing documents quickly, identifying key terms, and highlighting changes for further lawyer review. The platform supports a variety of contracts and offers bulk analysis capabilities, making it a scalable solution for law firms and businesses. This AI for Legal tool focuses on maximizing efficiency, allowing users to concentrate on critical legal work rather than administrative tasks​.

Use cases

Here are some practical use cases for Legal Review, demonstrating how this  AI contract review  tool streamlines legal processes:

  • Quick Contract Reviews: Legal Review allows users to perform rapid reviews of contracts, such as NDAs and service agreements, identifying key clauses and potential issues in under five minutes. This capability is especially useful for businesses needing fast turnaround to continue negotiations or finalizations.

  • Comparative Document Analysis: Users can compare different versions of a document side-by-side to quickly spot additions, deletions, or alterations. This feature aids in understanding the implications of changes made during negotiations, ensuring that revisions are accurately captured and assessed.

  • Bulk Contract Analysis: For organizations dealing with large volumes of contracts, Legal offers a bulk analysis feature. This allows multiple documents to be analyzed simultaneously, providing an overview and detailed insights into the content of all contracts, which enhances efficiency and oversight.

  • Integration with Other Platforms: Legal Review integrates with various business platforms, such as Laravel and Aareon, facilitating seamless workflows by allowing legal reviews to be part of broader business processes. This integration capability supports more efficient operations, linking contract review directly with CRM and ERP systems.

These use cases highlight Legal Review’s contribution to making legal document handling more efficient, allowing legal professionals and businesses to focus on strategic decisions rather than manual review

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It's a tool that uses AI to help you review legal documents faster by spotting key terms and issues.

Yes, it's completely free, which makes it a great choice for both individuals and businesses.

The tool saves you time and improves efficiency by quickly going through documents and focusing on key sections, freeing you up for bigger tasks.

No, it's designed to support, not replace, legal advice by handling repetitive review tasks.

It can handle NDAs, service agreements, privacy policies, and many other types.

Pricing & discounts

Legal Review offers its services free of charge, making it an accessible AI tool for automating the review of legal documents. This no-cost approach allows users to benefit from AI capabilities without financial commitment, which can be particularly valuable for individuals, startups, and smaller firms looking to streamline their legal processes efficiently.

UX/UI review

Legal Review impresses with its straightforward functionality tailored for efficiency. Upon uploading a document, the tool immediately presents a concise review summary, highlighting key aspects and potential issues, streamlining the process for swift decision-making.


Review Summary

Additionally, it offers an issue assessment feature that meticulously pinpoints and categorizes concerns within the document, aiding in risk management.


Issues Assessment

For SaaS companies, provides a valuable resource—a catalog of popular software services.


SaaS Companies' catalog

This feature helps users easily navigate and understand their rights and obligations when using these platforms, enhancing transparency and user confidence.

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The team behind Legal Review is led by co-founders Daniel Santos and Carolina Pinheiro. Daniel brings a wealth of expertise and vision to the company, driving the strategic direction and innovation at Legal Review. Carolina complements this leadership with her focus on operations and development, ensuring that the tool effectively meets the needs of its users. Together, they have built a tool that leverages AI to streamline legal document review, making it accessible and efficient for users across various sectors.


Daniel Santos



Carolina Pinheiro




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