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Mobile OS maker Jolla is back and building an AI device

2 mins

Alina  Chernomorets

Published by: Alina Chernomorets

19 March 2024, 03:20PM

In Brief

Jolla Mind², an "adaptive digital assistant," prioritizes user privacy by locally processing AI capabilities within the device, addressing concerns related to generative AI and data security.

Emphasizing user control, Jolla ensures that personal information remains secure and inaccessible to external entities, positioning the device as a solution for individuals wary of major tech players.

Designed for Android smartphone users, Jolla Mind² offers an alternative to safeguard personal data from the risks associated with AI training by large companies like Google.

The device's potential applications extend beyond personal assistance, encompassing email triage and business-related functions, highlighting its versatility for various user needs.

With an official announcement slated for May 20, 2024, and a targeted release in Q4 of the same year, Jolla Mind² aims to lead in AI innovation, focusing on user privacy and control.

Mobile OS maker Jolla is back and building an AI device

Jolla Mind², conceptualized as an "adaptive digital assistant," distinguishes itself by offering users a secure space for AI processing, addressing growing privacy concerns associated with generative AI. The device aims to enable advanced AI capabilities without compromising user data by locally processing personal information within the device. Jolla's approach emphasizes user control, ensuring that concentrated data remains secure and inaccessible to external entities. The company, known for its efforts to disrupt the traditional smartphone market with the Linux-based Sailfish OS platform, is reenergized under the leadership of co-founder Antti Saarnio, who envisions Jolla Mind² as a leap into a new direction for the company.

The device is designed to cater to Android smartphone users, providing an alternative for those concerned about exposing personal data to major players like Google. Saarnio believes that the concentration of data for AI training by large companies poses risks to user privacy, making a case for Jolla Mind² as a solution that empowers individuals in the AI era. Despite Apple's privacy promises and on-device AI processing, Jolla sees Android as the dominant platform, offering a substantial addressable market.

Very large companies nowadays are very tempted to use our information for AI training — because that’s the name of the game at the moment. So I wouldn’t trust any company [not to use my data for AI] training. In this past mobile era, we were the data product, basically. But if we let AI steer us we become digital robots, basically — the manipulative capability of AI is so big that we don’t have a chance. So that’s why I think we need digital clarity. And that’s our role.

Antti Saarnio

Jolla Mind²'s potential use cases span beyond personal assistance, including email triage and business-related applications, showcasing its versatility. The device's static nature positions it as a complementary tool stored at home or in the office, allowing users to remotely query its AI capabilities through their mobile devices. With the official announcement scheduled for May 20, 2024, and a targeted release in Q4 of the same year, Jolla Mind² aims to usher in a new era of AI innovation focused on user privacy and control.

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