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QuickPose AI

QuickPose AI

Enhance Every Move with Precision AI

Elevates fitness, gaming, and therapy by accurately tracking and analyzing body movements to improve performance and safety.
#5 in "Healthcare
#12 in "Fitness
Price: Free + Paid

Desktop, Mobile

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UX/UI review
Founder Interview


QuickPose AI is a versatile tool that significantly enhances app functionalities by integrating advanced  human pose estimation  capabilities. It's particularly beneficial across health,  AI for fitness , and gaming sectors, providing real-time movement feedback and detailed exercise analytics. QuickPose AI’s SDK enables swift integration, adding value through features like range-of-motion measurements and posture correction. This can improve medical assessments, enhance workout routines, and create more interactive gaming experiences. Its ease of use and quick implementation make it an excellent choice for developers aiming to elevate user engagement and retention.

Use cases

Here are some practical use cases of QuickPose AI across various applications:

  • Fitness and health apps: QuickPose AI is used in fitness apps to analyse and improve users' exercise forms, offering personalised feedback and exercise adjustments. This helps users achieve better physical outcomes and reduces the risk of injury​;

  • Gaming: in gaming, QuickPose enhances interactivity by allowing players to control the game through body movements. This can be seen in racing games where players' movements can simulate driving actions, adding a layer of immersive experience without the need for additional hardware​;

  • Physical therapy: QuickPose aids in physical therapy by tracking patients' movements during exercises. This technology ensures that movements are done correctly, aiding recovery and preventing further injuries​;

  • Yoga and mindfulness apps: for yoga practitioners, QuickPose tracks and corrects poses in real-time, which helps in maintaining the correct postures and enhances the overall yoga practice​;

  • Ergonomics: in workplace ergonomics, QuickPose can assess the body positions of employees to suggest improvements, thereby reducing workplace injuries and enhancing productivity​​.

These examples showcase QuickPose AI's versatility in enhancing user engagement and improving performance across a variety of fields by leveraging advanced pose estimation capabilities.


QuickPose AI is an AI tool that integrates advanced pose estimation into apps, enhancing functionalities in health, fitness, and gaming sectors.

QuickPose AI uses pose estimation technology to track and analyze body movements, providing real-time feedback and enhancements for various applications.

QuickPose AI is used in fitness apps for exercise feedback, gaming for interactive play, physical therapy for movement accuracy, and ergonomic assessments.

The QuickPose team includes Filip Ljubicic (CEO), Kevin Kendaru (Partnerships), Ilmars Poikans (Head of Infrastructure), Denis Volkhonskiy (Head of AI), and Pete Nash (Head of Mobile).

QuickPose offers tiers starting from free for personal use, with paid plans for larger scale deployments, and specific pricing for the JointTrack API based on usage.

QuickPose AI can track users' movements, provide corrections on exercise forms, and personalize fitness routines, enhancing user engagement and safety.

QuickPose AI provides quick integration, extensive exercise libraries, and real-time movement analytics, setting it apart in AI-driven pose estimation technology.

Pricing & Discounts

QuickPose AI offers a range of pricing options tailored to different user needs and scales. The pricing model is divided into two main categories: QuickPose SDK and JointTrack API, each designed to cater to specific application requirements. Below is a comparison of the subscription plans available for both services.

CategoryPlanPrice per MonthActive Devices/ImagesSDK Keys/Images SizeAdditional CostResponse Time
QuickPose SDKPersonalFreeUp to 100 devices1 SDK Key-72 hr

Launch$200Up to 5,000 devices2 SDK Keys-48 hr

Scale$400Up to 10,000 devices4 SDK Keys-24 hr

Agency$1,000Up to 100,000 devices10 SDK Keys-24 hr
JointTrack APIFreeFree100 Images5MB Image Size$10 per 100 images72 hr

Basic$501,000 Images5MB Image Size$5 per 100 images48 hr

Pro$25010,000 Images10MB Image Size$2.5 per 100 images24 hr

Business$50050,000 Images30MB Image Size$1 per 100 images24 hr

These diverse pricing plans allow individuals and businesses to select the best fit based on their specific needs, such as the number of active devices or images processed, response time requirements, and budget considerations.


The QuickPose AI team is a tapestry of expertise, passionately dedicated to pushing the boundaries of technology. At the helm, Filip Ljubicic, CEO and co-founder, steers the company's strategic vision and innovation pursuits. Kevin Kendaru takes the reins on partnerships, working tirelessly to forge substantial alliances that magnify the tool's reach and efficacy. Ilmars Poikans, the Head of Infrastructure, is the backbone ensuring that the technical frameworks are not only robust but also scalable. Denis Volkhonskiy, the mastermind behind the development, focuses on crafting cutting-edge features and capabilities. On the mobile frontier, Pete Nash dedicates his efforts to refining and broadening QuickPose’s mobile applications.


Kevin Kendaru



Ilmars Poikans

Head of Infrastructure


Denis Volkhonskiy

Head of AI


Pete Nash

Head of Mobile


Filip Ljubicic

CEO and Co-Founder

Daniil Bazylenko

Published by: Daniil Bazylenko

18 April 2024, 12:00AM

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