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Elon Musk and Salesforce CEO disagree on AI future: is data the new gold?

1 mins

Markus Ivakha

Published by: Markus Ivakha

07 March 2024, 06:10PM

In Brief

Elon Musk and Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff debated the role of data in AI development.

Marc Benioff likened data to "new gold," emphasizing its value in driving AI progress.

Elon Musk argued that AI competitiveness hinges on a blend of human expertise, computational power, and data access.

Musk highlighted the limitations of human-generated data and advocated for using synthetic data and reality itself.

The exchange underscores diverging perspectives on AI's future and the pivotal role of data in shaping technological advancements.

Short Description: Musk explains the critical factors shaping AI competitiveness and challenges the notion of data as the ultimate driver.


Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk and Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff engaged in a thought-provoking discussion regarding the future of artificial intelligence.

What Happened: Marc Benioff highlighted the significance of data in AI, likening it to oxygen for humans and proclaiming that "Data is the new gold." This remark sparked a rebuttal from Elon Musk, who emphasized that AI's competitiveness is influenced by a combination of human expertise, computational resources, and exclusive access to data.

Furthermore, Musk expressed concerns about the limitations of human-generated data and advocated for leveraging both actual reality and synthetic data as valuable assets for AI development.

Why It Matters:

Last year, Elon Musk reportedly played a pivotal role in OpenAI's decision to terminate its data access agreement with Twitter due to perceived inadequacies in payment. This move underscores Musk's commitment to maximizing AI potential through strategic data utilization.

Meanwhile, Marc Benioff has shown admiration for Musk's innovative leadership style, prompting industry reflections on the need for CEOs to embrace bold approaches inspired by Musk's example.


As debates surrounding AI evolution persist, the diverging viewpoints of Elon Musk and Marc Benioff shed light on the intricate interplay between data, human input, and technological innovation in shaping the future of artificial intelligence.

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