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Brave’s Leo AI assistant is now available to Android users

2 mins

Alina  Chernomorets

Published by: Alina Chernomorets

18 March 2024, 02:40PM

In Brief

Brave Extends AI Assistant to Android: Brave, known for its privacy-centric browser, has launched its AI-powered assistant, Leo, for Android users, expanding its availability beyond desktop.

Leo's Functionality: Leo offers diverse functionalities, including real-time webpage summaries, answering queries, content creation, and language translation, aiming to reduce dependence on other language models like ChatGPT.

Privacy Emphasis: Brave emphasizes user privacy with Leo, assuring that chats are private, not recorded, and undergo anonymization, with Leo's responses discarded after generation.

Diverse Language Models: Leo integrates various language models, including Mixtral 8x7B, Anthropic’s Claude Instant, and Meta’s Llama 2 13B, with Mixtral 8x7B as the default for both desktop and Android.

Leo Premium and Android Access: Users can choose alternative language models or opt for Leo Premium, offering higher rate limits for $14.99/month, covering up to five devices. Leo on Android is accessible by updating the Brave browser to version 1.63.

Brave’s Leo AI assistant is now available to Android users

Brave, recognized for its commitment to user privacy through its browser, is extending the availability of its AI-powered assistant, Leo, to Android users following its initial launch on desktop. Leo introduces a suite of functionalities designed to enhance user interactions with the web, including real-time summaries of webpages, answering queries, content creation, language translation, and more. Brave's strategic move positions Leo as a versatile solution, aiming to diminish reliance on other language models such as ChatGPT.

Leo's capabilities are tailored to streamline various everyday tasks, allowing users to plan recipes, obtain travel tips, compare products, and efficiently summarize extensive web content. Noteworthy is Brave's emphasis on privacy, with assurances that Leo chats remain private, are not recorded, and requests undergo anonymization, with Leo's responses discarded after generation. To further enhance the Leo experience, Brave introduces a range of language models, including Mixtral 8x7B, Anthropic’s Claude Instant, and Meta’s Llama 2 13B. Mixtral 8x7B is designated as the default LLM for Leo on both desktop and Android, but users can choose alternative LLMs or opt for Leo Premium, offering higher rate limits for a monthly subscription of $14.99, covering up to five devices across Android, Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Users can seamlessly access Leo on Android by updating to version 1.63 of the Brave browser. To initiate a chat with Leo, users can open the browser, start typing in the address bar, and click "Ask Leo." Additionally, an on-page chat experience is available by selecting the three-dot menu and tapping "Leo." While the Android rollout is planned in phases over the coming days, Brave's commitment to user privacy and innovative features through Leo aims to set it apart in the browser space. This move comes amid similar initiatives by other browser companies, such as Opera's introduction of the AI assistant Aria in collaboration with OpenAI last year, featuring a chatbot-like interface for user queries.

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