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Secure Every Pixel with Blockchain Integrity

Ensures digital content authenticity with blockchain and AI, ideal for creators and marketers seeking provenance security.
#146 in "Images
Price: Free + Paid

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Capture is a digital platform revolutionizing the way we handle digital media. It employs blockchain and C2PA technology to confirm the origin and protect the content, making it a trusty tool for news agencies, creatives, and AI professionals. Key features include Capture SDK for easy integration, Capture Eye for distinguishing real from AI-generated content, and a dashboard for managing digital assets. Whether securing copyright or verifying content authenticity, Capture simplifies these tasks with its intuitive tools, enhancing security and credibility in digital media handling. Perfect for anyone looking to safeguard their creations and ensure their work is used appropriately.

Use cases

  • Media Authenticity for Journalists: Capture arms journalists with the tools to validate the genuineness of digital media, ensuring that all photos and videos are verified before being released. This strengthens the credibility and dependability of news organizations, allowing editors to efficiently verify the source and truthfulness of the content they broadcast.
  • Protection of Artistic Rights: Artists and photographers employ Capture to defend the copyrights of their creations. The platform facilitates their ability to track where and how their content is utilized online, preventing unauthorized copies and ensuring appropriate recognition and compensation.
  • Integrity in Digital Marketing: Marketers utilize Capture to confirm the authenticity of multimedia content within their campaigns. This enhances customer trust by affirming the authenticity of promotional materials, improving brand reputation and reducing the incidence of misinformation.
  • Verification of AI Content: Capture discerns between content produced by humans and that made by AI, essential for entities committed to maintaining clarity and ethical norms in content generation.


Capture is a digital platform that uses blockchain and C2PA technology to secure and verify digital media authenticity.

Capture employs blockchain, C2PA, and computer vision technologies to ensure content authenticity and integrity.

Key features include Capture SDK, Capture Eye, and Capture Dashboard, which help manage and authenticate digital content.

Journalists, content creators, digital marketers, and companies needing to verify human-created vs. AI-generated content can benefit.

Capture offers a free trial, a Basic plan at $20/month, an Advanced plan at $79/month, and custom pricing for enterprise solutions.

Leaders include Tammy Yang, Bofu Chen, Sofia Yan, Jesse Ringham, Vera Wu, Ethan Wu, Natalie Wang, and Chun-Che Fang.

Numbers Protocol has raised $6.3 million to support technologies behind Capture.

Pricing & discounts

Capture provides a variety of subscription options designed to accommodate the diverse requirements of users, from individuals delving into blockchain technology to large enterprises in search of extensive digital media management solutions. Below is a detailed summary of the available pricing plans:

Pay As You Go
Freeto start

  • Credits: 12 initial credits
  • Upload Limit: 25MB
  • Storage: -
  • Registered Files: -
20$per Month per User

  • Credits: 160 per month
  • Upload Limit: 50MB
  • Storage: 750GB decentralized storage
  • Registered Files: 100,000 files
79$per Month per User

  • Credits: 600 per month
  • Upload Limit: 500MB
  • Storage: 2.5TB decentralized storage
  • Registered Files: 500,000 files
Contact for pricing

  • Credits: Unlimited
  • Upload Limit: Unlimited
  • Storage: Unlimited
  • Registered Files: Unlimited

Capture’s "Pay As You Go" plan allows individuals to experiment with blockchain provenance, providing initial credits and a moderate upload limit for beginners. The "Basic" and "Advanced" plans offer more features, including significant storage options and the capacity to register numerous files, suitable for teams and larger companies. The "Enterprise" plan offers tailored services for extensive needs, providing unlimited access to Capture's capabilities.

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The team at Capture includes a diverse group of professionals who are experts in their respective fields, working together to enhance digital media security and authenticity through blockchain and C2PA technology. The leadership includes founders Tammy Yang and Bofu Chen, who focus on integrating advanced technologies into digital media to enhance security and trust. Sofia Yan, another co-founder, significantly contributes to the strategic direction and expansion of the company.

Jesse Ringham, the Creative Director, brings his expertise in content strategy to the team, ensuring the platform’s creative applications are both innovative and effective. On the financial and operational side, Vera Wu oversees the company's financial health and operational strategies as CFO/COO.

The team is further strengthened by core contributors Ethan Wu and Natalie Wang, who focus on development and innovation, ensuring the platform remains cutting-edge. Chun-Che Fang, another core contributor, supports the team with essential technical insights and solutions, enriching the platform's technological capabilities. Together, this team propels Capture forward in its mission to secure and certify the authenticity of digital content across various industries.


Tammy Yang



Bofu Chen



Sofia Yan



Jesse Ringham

Creative Director


Vera Wu



Sherry Chung

Core Contributor


Natalie Wang

Core Contributor


Chun-Che Fang

Core Contributor


Numbers Protocol, the technology behind Capture, has raised a total of $6.3 million across 14 funding rounds. Their significant fundraising event was an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) in October 2021, which alone secured $5 million. Other funding types have included seed rounds, corporate rounds, and grants, with contributions from a range of investors such as Protocol Labs, DAO Maker, Binance, and several others notable for their involvement in technology and blockchain ventures.

This funding has been instrumental in developing Numbers Protocol's decentralized photo network, which supports Capture in its mission to ensure the authenticity and integrity of digital media through blockchain technology and Certified Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) standards. This technology stack is critical for industries reliant on verified digital content, including news media, AI analysis, and the broader creative sectors.

Markus Ivakha

Published by: Markus Ivakha

29 June 2024, 10:39AM

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