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Voice every story, globally

Expand your reach with easy multilingual dubbing for all your audio content.
#50 in "Video
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CloneDub is an AI tool that automates the dubbing process for videos and podcasts. It's designed to streamline content localization by making it easy to dub audio in multiple languages, improving accessibility and audience reach for content creators. With CloneDub, users can expand their viewership by offering dubbed versions of their content without the complexity and cost of traditional dubbing services.

Use cases

CloneDub's potential use cases include:

  1. Content Creators and Vloggers: To automatically dub videos into multiple languages, increasing global audience reach.
  2. E-Learning Platforms: For multilingual course offerings, allowing students from various linguistic backgrounds to learn in their native language.
  3. Marketing Teams: To localize advertising content, making campaigns more effective across different regions.
  4. Film Distributors: For quick dubbing of films and trailers to screen in various languages.
  5. Podcasters: To offer their podcasts in several languages and tap into international markets.
  6. Corporate Training: For companies with a diverse workforce to provide training materials in the employees' preferred languages.
  7. Accessibility Services: To assist hearing-impaired audiences by offering dubbed content in sign language.

Each of these use cases leverages CloneDub to break language barriers, facilitating wider accessibility and understanding of audio and video content.

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CloneDub is an AI-powered tool that automates the dubbing of videos and podcasts into various languages.

It helps by providing an easy way to localize content, making it accessible to a wider, international audience.

CloneDub is designed to support multiple languages, broadening the reach of your content across different linguistic groups.

Yes, it's user-friendly and designed to simplify the dubbing process without the need for specialized knowledge.

The tool is quick, leveraging AI to dub content much faster than traditional methods.

CloneDub aims to maintain high-quality audio that matches the original content's tone and context.

It's versatile and can be used for a variety of audio and video materials, including educational content, entertainment, and more.

Pricing & discounts

CloneDub offers two main subscription plans:

  1. Basic Plan: Priced at $12 per month, this plan includes 12 minutes of dubbing. Additional minutes can be purchased for $1 each. It supports a wide range of audio and video formats and offers a fast processing queue with a maximum video length of up to 2 hours. It covers a variety of languages including English, Japanese, and several European languages.

  2. Professional Plan: At $119 per month, this provides 110 minutes of dubbing time, with extra minutes costing $0.9 each. It includes all the features of the Basic Plan but offers more dubbing time for extensive projects.

There's also an Enterprise Plan with custom offerings, tailored to the specific needs of larger organizations, which requires direct contact for details.

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The CloneDub team is composed of technology enthusiasts and professionals who specialize in AI and language processing. Their goal is to streamline the dubbing process for creators worldwide. They focus on providing a service that transcends language barriers, making it easier to share content across different cultures. The team is likely made up of developers, linguists, and customer support specialists, all working together to deliver a seamless dubbing experience.

Markus Ivakha

Published by: Markus Ivakha

12 September 2023, 12:00AM



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