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Steve AI

Steve AI

Transform text into stunning videos effortlessly

Convert written content into captivating videos with customizable templates and automated voiceovers, perfect for social media, marketing, and education.
#45 in "Video
Price: Free + Paid


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Steve AI is a state-of-the-art tool in  Video  that converts text into engaging video content effortlessly. Utilizing sophisticated AI technology, it enables users to create appealing videos by simply inputting text. This  text-to-video  platform is perfect for content creators, marketers, and businesses aiming to boost their digital footprint, thanks to its array of templates and customization features.

Notable features include:

  • Text-to-Video Conversion: Seamlessly transform written content into top-quality videos, making it indispensable for expanding content types.
  • AI-Generated Templates: A vast selection of templates designed for various themes and industries streamlines the video creation process.
  • Customization Features: Tailor videos to align with brand identity using customizable fonts, colors, and logos.
  • Automated Narration: Add voiceovers without the need for recording equipment, courtesy of automated voiceover capabilities.
  • Extensive Media Library: Access a vast collection of stock images, videos, and music tracks to enhance videos.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Crafted to be user-friendly for individuals of all skill levels, from beginners to experts.
  • Rapid Rendering and Export: Quick video rendering and straightforward export options ensure seamless integration into various digital platforms​​.

In essence, Steve AI simplifies the content creation process, saves time, and helps produce visually attractive videos that connect with audiences, thereby boosting engagement and reach.

Use cases

  • Social Media Content: Use Steve AI to create engaging videos for platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. It helps in designing eye-catching content that can capture attention quickly and boost interaction with your followers.
  • Marketing Campaigns: Produce promotional videos for products or services with ease. Steve AI's templates and customization options make it simple to craft videos that effectively highlight your offerings and attract potential customers.
  • Educational Content: Develop instructional or informational videos for online courses or YouTube channels. The tool allows educators to transform complex concepts into easily understandable visual content, enhancing the learning experience.
  • Personal Branding: Craft professional-looking videos for personal blogs or portfolio websites. Steve AI helps individuals create polished content that showcases their skills and personal brand, making a lasting impression on viewers.
  • Corporate Training: Make training materials more interactive and accessible for employees. Steve AI simplifies the creation of engaging training videos that can improve comprehension and retention of important information, fostering a more knowledgeable workforce.


Steve AI is a tool that converts text into engaging videos. It offers various templates and customization options, making it ideal for content creators, marketers, and businesses to enhance their digital presence.

Steve AI uses advanced technology to transform written content into high-quality videos. Users input their text, select a template, customize the design, and export the finished video.

Yes, Steve AI allows for extensive customization. Users can adjust fonts, colors, logos, and other elements to match their brand identity.

Yes, Steve AI includes an automated voiceover feature that enables users to add narration without the need for recording equipment.

Steve AI offers a wide array of templates catering to various themes and industries, simplifying the video creation process.

Steve AI ensures quick video rendering and easy export options, allowing users to create and share videos swiftly.

You can create social media content, marketing campaigns, educational videos, personal branding content, and corporate training materials using Steve AI.

No, Steve AI is designed to be user-friendly, requiring no advanced design skills to create professional-looking videos.

Pricing & discounts

Steve AI offers a flexible pricing model to suit different needs. You can choose between monthly and yearly plans, with yearly subscriptions saving you up to 25% (3 months free).


  • 720p Video Resolution
  • 5 Video Downloads/Month
  • 10 Credits to use Premium Assets/Month
  • 15 Credits for AI Image Generation/Month
  • 10 Credits for Text to GenAI Video/Month
  • Multiple Video Styles - Animation & Live-action
  • Voice to Video (Podcast friendly)
  • TalkingHead Videos (Training Videos)
  • ChatGPT Integration
  • No Steve AI Branding

  • Everything in Basic
  • 1080p Video Resolution
  • 15 Video Downloads/Month
  • 25 Credits to use Premium Assets/Month
  • 20 Credits for AI Image Generation/Month
  • 15 Credits for Text to GenAI Video/Month

  • Everything in Starter
  • 2K Video Resolution
  • 40 Video Downloads/Month
  • 50 Credits to use Premium Assets/Month
  • 25 Credits for AI Image Generation/Month
  • 25 Credits for Text to GenAI Video/Month
  • Premium Support

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The team behind Steve AI is led by Raghav, the CEO of Animaker Inc. Raghav oversees the development and strategic direction of Steve AI, ensuring the tool meets the needs of its diverse user base. With his leadership, the team focuses on creating innovative solutions that simplify video creation, leveraging advanced technology to deliver high-quality, user-friendly products.



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