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Unlock Conversations, Unlock Success with Symbl.AI. transforms conversations into insights, powering sales, support, HR, and communications with AI-driven intelligence.
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Overview is a conversation intelligence platform designed to help businesses make the most out of their interactions across various departments such as sales, support, HR, and employee communications.

Using advanced technology like natural language processing and machine learning, analyzes audio, video, and text conversations in real-time or in bulk. It uncovers valuable insights from these interactions, including topics, themes, questions, answers, and action items, thus providing valuable conversation intelligence.

For sales teams, offers features like real-time coaching, objection handling, and insights into decision-makers, leading to increased deal velocity and revenue growth. Support teams benefit from sentiment analysis, issue detection, and agent assistance, resulting in improved customer satisfaction and enhanced agent productivity. HR teams can automate interview insights and performance review summaries, aiding in talent recruitment and retention. Employees can leverage communication intelligence features such as call analysis, summaries, and compliance support, leading to enhanced productivity and customer engagement. also provides additional benefits such as meeting intelligence with searchable transcripts and compliance and data privacy protections. It offers easy integration with existing systems and developer-friendly APIs and SDKs for seamless incorporation into various workflows.

Use cases

Here are some simplified use cases for

  1. Sales Teams: helps sales teams by providing real-time insights during customer calls. It can highlight important points in the conversation, such as objections raised by the customer or key decision-makers involved. This helps sales reps address concerns effectively and close deals faster.
  2. Customer Support: For customer support teams, offers valuable assistance by analyzing customer interactions in real-time. It can detect the sentiment of the conversation and identify any issues raised by the customer. This allows support agents to respond promptly and provide solutions efficiently, leading to higher customer satisfaction.
  3. HR Departments: HR departments can benefit from during the recruitment process. It can analyze interview conversations to identify relevant insights such as candidate strengths, weaknesses, and overall fit for the role. This helps HR professionals make informed hiring decisions and streamline the recruitment process.
  4. Employee Communications: can be used to enhance internal communications within organizations. By analyzing employee conversations, it can identify important topics discussed during meetings or calls. This enables teams to track progress, ensure compliance with company policies, and improve overall productivity.
  5. Meeting Management: simplifies meeting management by providing searchable transcripts and highlighting key points discussed during meetings. This allows participants to quickly reference important information and follow up on action items. Additionally, it ensures that all relevant topics are addressed and documented accurately.

Overall, offers versatile applications across various business functions, enabling organizations to derive actionable insights from their conversations and improve overall efficiency and effectiveness.

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FAQ is an AI-powered conversation intelligence platform that helps businesses extract valuable insights from their conversations and interactions across various departments. uses advanced technologies like natural language processing and machine learning to analyze audio, video, and text conversations in real-time or batch mode. It extracts key insights such as topics, themes, questions, and action items to generate valuable conversation intelligence. offers features such as real-time coaching, sentiment analysis, automated interview insights, and communication analysis. It also provides searchable transcripts, compliance support, and easy integration with existing systems. was founded by Surbhi Rathore, who serves as the CEO, and Toshish Arun Jawale, who is the CTO. has received a total of $17.2 million in its latest funding round, which was a Series A investment. It has 35 investors, including individuals like Allen Chang, Baris Ozaydinli, Brandon Calder, Bryan Kaplan, and Charles Caudell. offers three subscription plans: Free, Pay As You Go, and Commit. The Free plan includes limited usage with no cost, while the Pay As You Go plan offers flexible pricing based on usage. The Commit plan is designed for high-volume users and offers customized features and support.

Businesses can benefit from by gaining valuable insights from their conversations, improving sales and support processes, streamlining HR activities, enhancing employee communications, and optimizing meeting management.

Yes, offers subscription plans suitable for businesses of all sizes, including small businesses. The Free plan allows small businesses to explore the platform without any financial commitment, while the Pay As You Go plan offers flexibility based on usage.

Pricing & discounts


This plan is ideal for those who want to explore's capabilities without any financial commitment. It includes up to 1,000 minutes of audio/video processing per month and up to 10,000 words of text processing per month at no cost. Users can access insights generated from their conversations for free and enjoy up to 5 concurrent connections.

Pay As You Go

With this plan, users have the flexibility to pay only for the usage they need without any long-term commitment. The first 1,000 minutes of audio/video processing per month are offered at $0 per minute, with subsequent usage priced at $0.027 per minute for the next 29,000 minutes and $0.017 per minute for usage over 30,000 minutes per month. Similarly, text processing is free for the first 10,000 words per month, followed by $0.0002 per word for the next 3.74 million words and $0.00012 per word for usage over 3.75 million words per month. Users can access insights generated from their conversations for free and enjoy up to 50 concurrent connections.


This plan is designed for high-volume users who require customized features and support. It offers discounts for high-volume usage, custom concurrency options, Nebula access at scale for advanced analytics, and enterprise support with service level agreements (SLAs). Users also have the option to deploy in a private environment for added security and control.

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The team behind is led by Surbhi Rathore, who serves as the CEO and co-founder. Alongside her is Toshish Arun Jawale, who holds the position of CTO and co-founder. Together, they bring their expertise and vision to drive the development and growth of With their leadership, the team works tirelessly to innovate and deliver a powerful conversation intelligence platform that helps businesses unlock value from their interactions across various departments. Their combined experience and dedication contribute to's success in providing valuable insights and solutions to its users.


Surbhi Rathore

CEO & co-founder


Toshish Arun Jawale

CTO & co-founder

Funding has received funding from a total of 35 investors, including notable individuals such as Allen Chang, Baris Ozaydinli, Brandon Calder, Bryan Kaplan, and Charles Caudell. The latest funding round, known as Series A, amounted to $17.2 million. This investment signifies confidence in's mission and capabilities, allowing the company to further develop its conversation intelligence platform and expand its reach. With this financial support, is well-positioned to continue its growth and innovation in the field of AI-powered conversation analysis.

Nazarii Bezkorovainyi

Published by: Nazarii Bezkorovainyi

16 February 2024, 12:00AM

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