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Instant ads, infinite creativity - AI at your service

Transform ideas into compelling ads effortlessly with Admaker, your AI-powered creative partner for all social platforms.
#43 in "Marketing
#130 in "Business
Price: Free + Paid


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Admaker, developed by Picsart, is an AI-powered tool designed to streamline the creation and distribution of social media ads, especially for small businesses. It simplifies the process by allowing users to generate ad copy and visuals quickly and efficiently, either by uploading their own product images or starting from a blank canvas. The AI then uses text prompts provided by the user to create tailored Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest ads featuring brand-aligned images and copy​.

One of the key benefits of using Admaker is its ability to save both time and money in ad creation. Historically, creating and distributing ads has been both costly and time-consuming. However, Admaker leverages AI to enhance productivity and reduce costs by acting as a creative partner. This makes it particularly beneficial for business owners, marketers, or anyone looking to advertise their product or service.

Use cases

Admaker, as an AI tool by Picsart, serves a variety of use cases across different industries and needs by streamlining the process of creating and distributing social media ads. Here are several key use cases based on the information gathered:

1. Small Business Advertising

Small businesses can leverage Admaker to quickly create on-brand advertising for social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. This tool allows small businesses to generate visually appealing ads with minimal effort, enabling them to compete more effectively online without needing large marketing budgets or extensive design expertise​  ​.

2. Product Promotions for E-commerce

E-commerce sellers can use Admaker to create ads that highlight their products' features and benefits. By uploading product imagery or using AI to generate images, e-commerce businesses can produce targeted ads designed to attract and engage potential customers, thereby increasing conversions and sales​  ​​  ​.

3. Content Creators and Influencers

Content creators and influencers can utilize Admaker to promote their platforms, courses, consulting services, and products. The tool's ability to generate engaging ad copy and visuals can help creators attract more followers and monetize their content more effectively​  ​.

4. Digital Marketers and Agencies

Digital marketing agencies can benefit from Admaker's efficiency and versatility by using it to serve a wide range of clients. The tool enables quick experimentation with different ad formats and messages, allowing marketers to optimize campaigns and demonstrate value to their clients more rapidly​  ​.

5. Real Estate Advertising

Real estate agents can use Admaker to create compelling ads for property listings. The AI-generated visuals and copy can help showcase properties in their best light, attracting more potential buyers and helping agents close deals faster​  ​.

6. Brand and Communications

Brands looking to maintain a consistent voice and aesthetic across their advertising efforts can rely on Admaker for creating ads that align with their branding. This ensures that all ad campaigns contribute positively to the brand's overall image and messaging strategy​  ​.

7. Experimentation and A/B Testing

Admaker allows for rapid creation of multiple ad variants, making it an excellent tool for A/B testing. Marketers can test different ad creatives and copies to see what resonates best with their target audience, thereby optimizing ad spend and improving ROI​  ​.

8. Cross-Platform Advertising Campaigns

With its support for multiple social media platforms, Admaker enables users to create cohesive cross-platform ad campaigns. This ensures brand consistency and message alignment across Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and potentially more platforms, maximizing reach and impact​  ​​  ​.

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Admaker is an AI-powered social media ad generator developed by Picsart. It simplifies ad creation for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest by generating on-brand ad copy and creative visuals quickly and easily​  ​.

Small businesses, e-commerce sellers, digital marketers, agencies, content creators, influencers, and real estate agents can all benefit from using Admaker. It's designed to streamline the ad creation process for anyone looking to advertise their product or service online​  ​​  ​.

Users start by uploading their product imagery or starting from a blank canvas. After providing text prompts describing the brand, content, and goal of the ad, Admaker's AI generates ads with brand-aligned images and copy in seconds​  ​.

Admaker allows you to create a variety of ad types, including social media ads for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. It's capable of producing both visual and textual content tailored to your branding and advertising goals​  ​​  ​.

Admaker offers several free ad generations before prompting payment. This allows users to test the tool's capabilities before committing financially. Future updates may introduce a premium plan with additional benefits​  ​​  ​.

Pricing & discounts

Free$0416- 4 free credits- Export in various sizes
Lite$2.9950200- 50 credits- Unlimited ad copy generation- Export in various sizes for Facebook and Instagram
Plus$3.59100400- 100 credits- Unlimited ad copy generation- Export in various sizes for Facebook and Instagram- SAVE 30%
Pro$3.99200800- 200 credits- Unlimited ad copy generation- Export in various sizes for Facebook and Instagram

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The team behind Admaker is spearheaded by the visionary leadership of Hovhannes Avoyan, who serves as the CEO of Picsart. Under his guidance, Picsart has grown into a prominent platform for digital creation, offering a suite of tools and features that empower users to unleash their creativity across various formats, including Admaker.

Avoyan's role at the helm of Picsart positions him as a pivotal figure in driving the company's innovation and expansion strategies. His leadership ensures that the development of tools like Admaker aligns with the overarching mission of Picsart to democratize creative expression. The team under Avoyan is likely composed of skilled professionals in technology, design, and marketing, collaborating to refine and enhance Admaker as a tool that simplifies ad creation for users.

This collective effort by the Picsart team, under Avoyan's stewardship, showcases a commitment to providing accessible, user-friendly tools that cater to the evolving needs of digital creators, marketers, and businesses. By leveraging artificial intelligence and intuitive design, the team ensures that Admaker remains a cutting-edge solution for generating social media ads efficiently.

The success of Admaker can be attributed to the cohesive work of the Picsart team, whose expertise in digital creativity, combined with Avoyan's visionary leadership, propels the tool forward in the competitive landscape of online advertising solutions.


Hovhannes Avoyan



Admaker, developed by the digital creation platform Picsart, has a solid financial foundation backed by several high-profile investors. Picsart itself has undergone 5 funding rounds, amassing a total of $195 million in funding. This substantial financial backing has come from a variety of investors, each bringing not only capital but also strategic support to the table. The investors include Tribe Capital, Graph Ventures, SoftBank Vision Fund, Siguler Guff & Company, and Sequoia Capital.

The involvement of these investors underscores the confidence in Picsart's vision and its products, including Admaker. SoftBank Vision Fund, known for its significant investments in technology companies, and Sequoia Capital, a well-regarded venture capital firm with a history of backing successful startups, highlight the potential they see in Picsart's innovative approach to digital creation. Tribe Capital, Graph Ventures, and Siguler Guff & Company also contribute to a diverse investment portfolio, signaling strong market belief in Picsart's ability to revolutionize the way digital content is created, shared, and monetized.

Daniil Bazylenko

Published by: Daniil Bazylenko

12 September 2023, 12:00AM

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