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Human Pose Estimation AI: The Art and Science of Digital Posture Analysis

7 mins

Markus Ivakha

Published by: Markus Ivakha

15 May 2024, 05:36PM

In Brief

Human pose estimation detects key body joints to interpret poses.

QuickPose excels in real-time sports and gaming applications.

EL-HRNet balances performance with computational efficiency.

Pose ResNet uses advanced modules for precise 3D pose estimation.

MediaPipe improves fitness workouts by guiding correct postures.

Human Pose Estimation AI: The Art and Science of Digital Posture Analysis

Pose estimation is a fascinating and rapidly evolving field within computer vision and artificial intelligence. At its core, it involves detecting and tracking the human body and its parts in images or videos. Imagine capturing the precise position of a knee or elbow in a photograph - this is the essence of pose estimation.

The technology underpins applications from sports analytics to augmented reality, providing machines with the capability to understand human movement and behaviour. However, the path to accurate pose detection is fraught with challenges, including motion blur, inaccurate human bounding boxes, and the need to detect multiple poses in complex environments. But what exactly is it that estimate human pose is, and how does it work?

In essence,  human pose estimation  aims to detect the position of key body joints (like elbows, wrists, and knees) and use this information to ascertain the entire body's pose.

The current solutions of pose estimation in the market

Many AI applications have embraced this technology. For instance, pose estimation deep learning models have significantly evolved, offering more accuracy and efficiency. These models analyse thousands of images to learn and predict human body parts' positions even in dynamic, unstructured environments.

Enhanced understanding of human pose estimation tools

Several pose estimation methods, models and algorithms have been developed to address these challenges, each with unique strengths and weaknesses. Here’s a breakdown of some prominent solutions:


OpenPose is a highly influential human pose estimation model that can detect multiple body parts in real time, providing both 2D and 3D human pose estimations. It utilizes a bottom-up approach single pose up, which means it first detects body parts and then assembles them into human poses. This method is robust but computationally intensive, often requiring powerful hardware for real-time applications.


PoseNet is another popular pose estimation model that uses deep learning techniques to predict human poses from images. It employs an encoder-decoder architecture to detect human poses and output key points or body joints. This model is highly adaptable, running efficiently on both high-end GPUs and mobile devices, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, including augmented reality and real-time pose estimation.


AlphaPose focuses on accuracy and speed, leveraging deep learning to handle multi-person pose estimation effectively. It addresses the common problem of pose occlusions by refining key points iteratively, ensuring more accurate detections even in crowded scenes.


QuickPose: Among the available solutions, QuickPose stands out. QuickPose is designed to provide rapid and precise pose estimation, particularly beneficial in real-time applications such as interactive gaming or sports analytics.

 QuickPose  is noted for its high speed and accuracy in various pose estimation tasks. This tool leverages advanced deep learning techniques to provide real-time feedback, which is especially useful in dynamic environments like sports or interactive gaming.


EL-HRNet: The Efficient and Lightweight High-Resolution Network (EL-HRNet) offers an optimised balance between performance and computational efficiency. It has been engineered to reduce complexity and resource demands, making it ideal for deployment on devices with limited computing power.

The model achieves a commendable 67.1% average precision (AP) score on the COCO2017 validation set, and a high mean average precision (MAP) of 87.7% on the MPII validation set.

Pose ResNet

Pose ResNet: Utilising ResNet50 as its backbone, Pose ResNet introduces several modules to improve 3D pose estimation from 2D images. Notably, it uses a convolutional block attention module (CBAM) and a waterfall atrous spatial pooling (WASP) to enhance feature extraction.

Despite its complexity, it boasts a mean per joint position error (MPJPE) of 74.6 mm, indicating high precision in pose estimation without needing 3D ground truths.

The advancements in human pose estimation technologies signify a leap towards more interactive and responsive AI applications across various sectors. Each tool, from QuickPose to Pose ResNet, brings unique capabilities to the table, catering to different needs and computational constraints. As these technologies continue to evolve, their impact on health, fitness, entertainment, and beyond is expected to expand, making them integral components of future AI deployments.

My perspective on the future of pose estimation

Pose estimation is undeniably transformative, with its applications cutting across numerous fields. Its ability to infer human body poses accurately has opened doors to innovations that were once the stuff of science fiction. However, the technology is not without its challenges. Issues like motion blur and occlusions still pose significant hurdles in multi-pass estimation. Yet, with advancements in deep learning and neural networks, these obstacles are gradually being overcome.

In my view, the future of pose estimation algorithms lies in their integration with other AI technologies to create comprehensive systems capable of understanding and reacting to human behaviours in real time. For instance, combining pose detection with natural language processing could lead to more intuitive human-computer interactions.

Practical applications and prospects

Sports and Fitness

One of the most compelling applications of human pose estimation is in sports analytics. For instance, AI-powered personal trainers can analyze an athlete’s movements to provide real-time feedback, enhancing training routines and reducing the risk of injuries. Companies like Kinexon and Hawk-Eye Innovations have pioneered the use of human pose estimation models in professional sports, offering insights that were previously unattainable.

Another interesting application of this technology is in   AI for fitness  . Fitness apps use human pose detection to monitor users' postures during workouts, providing feedback and guidance to ensure exercises are performed correctly, thereby reducing the risk of injury.

One notable development is the use of MediaPipe, which accurately analyzes body movements through 33 distinct landmarks. This tool is especially effective in home workout settings, where it guides users in maintaining correct postures and movements, thereby optimizing exercise benefits and reducing the risk of injury.

As these technologies continue to develop, the accuracy and utility of   AI human body analysis   in personal fitness are expected to increase, offering more sophisticated and user-friendly fitness assistance.


In healthcare, pose estimation plays a crucial role in rehabilitation and elder care. Systems like Teton AI use body pose estimation and detection to monitor patients’ movements, ensuring they perform exercises correctly and identifying fall risks in real time. This technology not only improves patient outcomes but also reduces the burden on healthcare providers.

Animation and Gaming

The gaming industry has embraced using pose tracking and estimation to create more immersive experiences. Technologies like Microsoft’s Kinect uses 3D pose estimation to capture player movements without the need for markers or specialized suits, enabling a new level of interaction in video games​.

Pose estimation AI is a cornerstone of modern computer vision, providing machines with the ability to understand and interpret human movements. From sports to healthcare and gaming, the applications are vast and varied. As deep learning models continue to evolve, so too will the accuracy and efficiency of pose detection systems. The journey ahead is promising, with the potential to revolutionize how we interact with technology in our daily lives. Human pose estimation offers numerous possibilities that extend far beyond its current uses. As AI continues to evolve, the accuracy and applications of pose estimation will only increase, making it a pivotal technology in our interaction with digital environments.

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